
Biostimulation & Skin Boosters treatment in Zurich

The skin has a rege­ne­ra­ti­ve capa­ci­ty that com­pen­sa­tes for exter­nal influen­ces, enab­ling it to remain firm, ela­s­tic and youthful for seve­ral years. Howe­ver, from the mid-twen­ties onwards, the skin starts to lose its for­mer smooth­ness. The col­la­gen and elas­tin fibres that keep the skin so sup­p­le start to dwind­le. The solu­ti­on is pro­vi­ded by methods like micro­need­ling, laser tre­at­ment, PRP (plate­let-rich plas­ma) and spe­cial der­mal fil­lers, which can revi­ve the skin’s rege­ne­ra­ti­ve capa­ci­ty through bio­sti­mu­la­ti­on. When the­se bio­sti­mu­la­ting fil­lers are injec­ted into the skin, this reminds the skin to start pro­du­cing the sub­s­tances it needs for a youthful appearance again – and it beco­mes more beau­tiful from the insi­de out all by its­elf. This col­la­gen build-up has a par­ti­cu­lar­ly bene­fi­ci­al effect on the skin’s firm­ness and qua­li­ty, and pro­du­ces a natu­ral lif­ting effect that also rede­fi­nes the facial contours.


Bio­sti­mu­la­ti­on treatments

Biostimulation in Zürich


Biostimulation in Zürich

What is biostimulation with Skinbooster?

Biostimulation with Skinbooster stimulates the skin to produce collagen and elastin. The skin structure improves and the skin retains more moisture. The facial skin becomes visibly plumper, fresher and firmer. Depending on the skin booster used, wrinkles, lines and scars can be reduced. The collagen build-up firms the connective tissue - often the facial contours also appear more youthful and defined.


Skin boosters work in the middle and deeper layers of the skin. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we also use biostimulation for other aesthetic treatments, including:



Skinbooster treatment is a low-pain method. The skin is enabled to retain moisture over a long period of time - without changing the natural facial features. The result is very natural.

What are the advantages of biostimulation with Skinbooster?

The signs of ageing show themselves relentlessly on our skin and are visible to everyone. From the age of about 30, the production of collagen and elastin fibres begins to decline. The fine connective tissue becomes slacker. In addition, the skin's ability to bind and store moisture decreases. Lines, wrinkles and depressions appear in the cheeks and temples. Biostimulation with Skinbooster stimulates the skin's own production of hyaluron and collagen and, depending on the composition, provides immediately visible results.


Skinbooster with hyaluron can also fill and soften deep wrinkles. Skin boosters are also injected in mesotherapy or liquid lifting to stimulate blood circulation and skin regeneration. Biostimulation with skin boosters creates moisture deposits in the skin, the skin's relief becomes smoother and more youthful.


The advantages of biostimulation with Skinbooster:


  • fresh and rejuvenated skin appearance
  • the skin gets a silky glow - the much desired glow
  • more volume in the area of the cheeks, in the eye area or at the temples
  • smoothed skin texture
  • even skin texture and finer pores
  • wrinkles and lines are reduced
  • clearer contours
  • Deep hydration of the skin
  • reduced acne scars and cornification
  • improved collagen and elastin production


Other benefits: Depending on the skin condition and one's own ideas, individual aesthetic treatments are offered. Skinbooster treatments are well tolerated and usually last no longer than 30 minutes. You have no downtime and are able to go about your daily life and work throughout.

For whom is biostimulation suitable?

Stimulation with skin boosters is for you if you want to restore lost volume and radiance to your face. Perhaps you also want a fresh and rejuvenated expression overall? At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich we offer the right treatment for every age and skin type. For older skin and deeper wrinkles, combinations with hyaluron fillers or Profhilo Remodeling can be useful.


Younger skin also benefits from the intensive hydration provided by Skinbooster. The first signs of ageing can be effectively prevented and the complexion becomes more shimmering and even. Skinbooster can be perfectly combined with mesotherapy or microneedling. Both treatments stimulate the blood circulation and the repair mechanisms of the skin.


Skinboosters are also used for acne scars, cornification and light-induced skin damage. At the Swiss Derma Clinic we will advise you in a personal consultation on a biostimulation that suits both your wishes and your skin.

Which areas of the face can be treated with biostimulation?

Stimulation of the skin with skin boosters is possible on the face, neck and décolleté. Likewise on the hands and even in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, in the area of the upper arms and thighs (injection lipolysis). At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we also use skin boosters to increase the volume of the temples, on the chin and for large-area wrinkle treatment in the area of the cheeks.

How does biostimulation with Skinbooster work?

First of all, we will advise you in detail at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich. Depending on whether you also wish to reduce wrinkles, depressions or dark circles under the eyes, several treatment options are available. The skin booster should be optimally suited to your skin and your treatment wishes. Anaesthesia is not necessary in most cases, the treatment is extremely painless. If desired and for sensitive skin, we use a light anaesthetic ointment. For the injection of the skin booster, our specialist Mrs Georgouli uses the finest needles, you will hardly feel the punctures.

How long does a session last?

Depending on the skin area, the treatment lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. The skin booster is injected over a large area into the middle and deeper layers of the skin. For long-lasting results, the session should be repeated after a few weeks. For further refresher treatments, we recommend intervals of between four and eight months, depending on the skin condition.

What do I have to pay attention to before and after the treatment?

Biostimulation with Skinbooster is a gentle treatment. Major side effects or risks during the treatment are not to be expected. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we specialise in innovative aesthetic applications and use high-quality skin boosters, hyaluronic acids or plasma mixtures that are well tolerated. Allergies hardly ever occur, as the composition of the skin boosters is very similar to the skin's natural moisturising factors. All the boosters and fillers we use have been tested for maximum tolerance in long-term studies.


Immediately after the treatment, there may be temporary redness or swelling in the treated skin area. This is completely normal and no cause for concern. In most cases, these side effects disappear on their own after a few hours. Even if you have sensitive skin, no treatment marks will be visible after two or three days. You can cover small rednesses with make-up during this time.

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Option auswählen
Specialist Consultation (paid)
Profhilo Face
Radiesse Biostimulation
Exosome with Dermapen (Doctor)
Polynucleotides 1 Zone
HarmonyCA 2 Vials
Hyaluronic Acid 2 Zones
Select your option
Specialist Consultation (paid)
Profhilo Face
Radiesse Biostimulation
Exosome with Dermapen (Doctor)
Polynucleotides 1 Zone
HarmonyCA 2 Vials
Hyaluronic Acid 2 Zones