The year 2025 is kno­cking on the door, and Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic is rea­dy to accom­pa­ny you into the new year – fres­her, more radi­ant and more youthful than ever. Aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne is deve­lo­ping rapidly and ener­gy-based tre­at­ments, modern fil­lers, stem cell the­ra­pies and laser boos­ters are set­ting new stan­dards. Why? Becau­se they work in a very tar­ge­ted way, wit­hout a scal­pel, with maxi­mum effi­ci­en­cy and mini­mal down­ti­me. In other words, exact­ly what is expec­ted of modern aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne today. Here are the top beau­ty trends for 2025 that you should­n’t miss:



1. Sofwave: Next generation ultrasound lifting

Sof­wa­ve is based on pre­cis­e­ly dosed ultra­sound waves that even reach the midd­le lay­er of the der­mis. The­re, the heat gene­ra­ted by the sound waves acti­va­tes the for­ma­ti­on of tis­sue-streng­thening struc­tu­ral pro­te­ins – as a result, the skin beco­mes firm­er and smoot­her. The bene­fits: Sof­wa­ve is non-inva­si­ve, gent­le on the skin and deli­vers impres­si­ve results. The appli­ca­ti­on is well sui­ted for sag­ging skin on the chin line, neck or as an eye­brow lift – and for cel­lu­li­te tre­at­ment. We think: A real all-roun­der for gent­le skin tightening.



2. Genius: THE new radio frequency microneedling

Geni­us is the inge­nious com­bi­na­ti­on of micro­need­ling and radio fre­quen­cy. What does this do for the skin? While tiny need­les „open“ the skin, the radio fre­quen­cy ener­gy pene­tra­tes deep into the skin lay­ers and sti­mu­la­tes skin rene­wal at cel­lu­lar level. This revi­ta­li­zes not only super­fi­ci­al but also deeper lay­ers of the skin. Ide­al for sag­ging skin, scars, wrink­les or lar­ge pores – with vir­tual­ly no downtime.



3. BioBoost: The natural skin rejuvenator

Bio­Boost stands for tre­at­ments that sup­port the skin’s natu­ral rege­ne­ra­ti­on pro­ces­ses. With new laser sys­tems – laun­ched in Janu­ary 2025 at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic – the skin can be pro­found­ly rene­wed and signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ved. Bio­Boost is sui­ta­ble for skin reju­ve­na­ti­on, tigh­tening and impro­ving the appearance of scars, acne and couperose.


4. HarmonyCA: A symphony for the skin

Harm­ony­CA is the maes­tro of aes­the­tic skin tre­at­ments. By com­bi­ning hyalu­ro­nic acid and cal­ci­um hydro­xya­pa­ti­te, we can tack­le seve­ral pro­blems in one step: The hyalu­ro­nic acid pro­vi­des an imme­dia­te tigh­tening effect, while the cal­ci­um boosts col­la­gen pro­duc­tion in the long term. Ide­al for wrink­les, sag­ging cheeks or dro­o­ping cor­ners of the mouth. Com­bi­ned with the Bio­Boost pro­ce­du­re from Alma Lasers, the skin is beau­ti­fied and deep­ly revi­ta­li­zed at the same time.


5. exosomes. the revolution at molecular level

Exo­so­mes ori­gi­na­te from rege­ne­ra­ti­ve medi­ci­ne and open up new ave­nues in aes­the­tic skin care. The tiny vesic­les impro­ve cell com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, pro­mo­te cell rene­wal and sup­port skin reju­ve­na­ti­on at the mole­cu­lar level. Cou­pled with tre­at­ments such as radio fre­quen­cy need­ling and laser, exo­so­mes act like a tur­bo boos­ter for the skin, rene­wing it in depth.


6. Profhilo: Liquid facelift without a scalpel

Prof­hi­lo is the undis­pu­ted star of bio­re­mo­de­ling. In con­trast to clas­sic fil­ler tre­at­ments, hyalu­ro­nic acid is appli­ed to lar­ge are­as of the skin to inten­si­ve­ly hydra­te it and impro­ve its ela­s­ti­ci­ty at the same time. The result? Skin that looks plump, smooth and refres­hed – wit­hout any arti­fi­ci­al appearance. This makes Prof­hi­lo an opti­on for anyo­ne who wants a natu­ral „face­lift“ wit­hout having to con­sider surgery.


7. Radiesse: The architect for new skin structure

Radies­se is like a cle­ver buil­der for your skin. The der­mal fil­ler instant­ly adds volu­me to sun­ken, sag­ging are­as – such as the cheeks and chin line – and sti­mu­la­tes the body­’s own col­la­gen pro­duc­tion. How does it work? Radies­se con­ta­ins cal­ci­um hydro­xya­pa­ti­te micro­sphe­res that are injec­ted deep into the skin. While the imme­dia­te effect con­ju­res up volu­me, the for­ma­ti­on of new col­la­gen ensu­res long-term firm­ness and impro­ved skin texture.


If you are loo­king for an extra por­ti­on of fresh­ness and enchan­ting glow for your often tired skin – then radish may be ide­al for you.


8. Malar Bags. Finally a solvable challenge

Malar bags – puf­fi­ness under the eyes (not to be con­fu­sed with bags under the eyes) – have long been dif­fi­cult to tre­at. But thanks to methods such as laser , radio­fre­quen­cy need­ling and Sof­wa­ve we can now achie­ve signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments. The skin in the upper cheek area is tigh­ten­ed, the annoy­ing puf­fi­ness is redu­ced – the face as a who­le appears more rela­xed and fresher.

Your skin, your future

2025 brings exci­ting oppor­tu­ni­ties for anyo­ne who wants to give their skin health and a youthful glow – natu­ral­ly, effec­tively and gent­ly. We offer the­se tre­at­ments at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic – visit us and make 2025 your year of beauty! 🌟

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