
Anti-Aging treatment in Zurich

What do you asso­cia­te with the term anti-aging? Mea­su­res against the signs of time, or in short: against aging? Tha­t’s cor­rect, but anti-aging also encom­pas­ses pre­ven­ti­on against pre­ma­tu­re aging. This includes the skin, which mer­ci­less­ly reve­als our age and some­ti­mes makes us appear older than we are.


Modern anti-aging tre­at­ments are a spe­cial­ty at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich. With tech­ni­ques like injec­tions, skin boos­ters, and wrink­le tre­at­ments using hyalu­ro­nic acid and bio­sti­mu­la­tors, you can regain your youthful radi­ance. Wit­hout sur­gery and with vir­tual­ly no down­ti­me, we spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tre­at sag­ging skin are­as, wrink­les, loo­se skin, hair loss, and irre­gu­lar pig­men­ta­ti­on like age spots. This includes the face, neck, décol­le­té, hands, and all body parts pro­ne to sag­ging skin, such as the upper arms, thighs, hips, and abdomen.

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Anti-Aging Treatments for Every Age – Without Surgery

Our specialist doctors have years of experience in medical beauty treatments and also perform holistic skin rejuvenation using special fillers, thread lifting, and PRP treatments. These are suitable for Best Agers, Mid Agers, and patients with initial wrinkles. The focus is on gentle techniques that enhance your natural beauty, ensuring that after a treatment at our clinic, you don't just look different or injected, but radiate vitality and youthfulness, earning admiration for your good looks.


Gentle Treatment – For a Natural Appearance

We tailor your treatment precisely to your skin type and needs, making each anti-aging treatment unique. Today's minimally invasive methods can achieve astonishing results with little effort, lasting months to years. Compared to surgical facelifts, these methods are much gentler on the skin and body.


Anti-aging encompasses all measures contributing to well-being and beautiful, healthy skin. For us, anti-aging starts with dermatological prevention and detailed consultations on skin health and extends to cosmetic applications and medical treatments. For early wrinkles and troubling pigmentation, treatments like Dermamelan, cosmetic ultrasound, or OxyGeneo promise great success. More intense skin smoothing, for instance, is possible with special fillers and skin remodeling.


Schedule your appointment with us now to find your personalized anti-aging treatment. Book your appointment online.

Anti Aging Behandlung in Zürich


Anti Aging Behandlung in Zürich

What anti-aging treatments does the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich offer?

Our expert doctors offer medical anti-aging treatments like wrinkle injections, stimulation with skin boosters or biostimulators, and contouring of facial areas with special fillers. Additionally, various wrinkle treatments such as botulinum toxin, PRP plasma lifting, or laser treatments are available. We often combine these methods for even better results.


To model facial areas, such as the jawline, temple area, or cheekbones, we rely on innovative minimally invasive injections. For example, facial rejuvenation using MD Codes. The benefits are clear: facial areas are comprehensively tightened, very gently, and with natural-looking results. Treatments like these are still rare in the greater Zurich area and are only offered by recognized experts.

How long does an anti-aging treatment in Zurich take?

There is no general answer to this question, as we offer very different anti-ageing treatments. These take place on an outpatient basis. In general, you can go about your daily routine the next day or the same day. Longer downtimes are rare. On average, a treatment lasts between thirty minutes and one hour. This can vary considerably in individual cases. For example, the targeted injection of deep wrinkles can be carried out in just a few minutes. Medical peels and laser treatment on large areas of the body, such as the thighs, can take longer than an hour.

During your visit to our practice in Zurich, we will work with you to create a treatment programme that gently balances out your problem areas and leads to the result you desire. At this appointment, we can also provide information on the frequency of sessions and possible side effects.

How do minimally invasive treatments differ from conventional cosmetic or facelift treatments?

Minimally invasive treatments are gentler than a surgical facelift - with similarly good results. In comparison to a surgical facelift, minimally invasive treatments only last a few months and a maximum of one to two years. The treatments can be repeated and refreshed if necessary - without the risks of surgery and without scars.

Compared to conventional cosmetic treatments, minimally invasive procedures are more effective and lead to visible skin rejuvenation. This is not possible with cosmetic products or applications alone.

Although the changes are less severe than with a facelift, they are very natural.

What Are the Advantages of Treatment at Swiss Derma Clinic?

Our dermatologists have special expertise in aesthetic medicine and in the field of modern anti-aging and wrinkle treatments. They apply the latest techniques, such as contouring with MD Codes, to enhance your natural radiance.

Is anti-aging sensible from age 30?

Anti-aging treatments are not only popular, they can help maintain or restore the youthful appearance of the skin. Patients often ask us when it's sensible to start anti-aging treatments. Our skin begins to reduce collagen production and lose elasticity around the age of 30.

Gentle applications such as LDM®-MED ultrasound treatment, OxyGeneo (a combination of skin-tightening radiofrequency, microdermabrasion, and ultrasound), or Dermamelan for pigment spots can provide excellent support. They stimulate skin functions and regeneration, delaying further aging processes. In addition, the skin structure can be improved, making the skin more resistant to damaging environmental influences and free radicals, which are metabolic products that promote skin aging. Specific treatments and products with antioxidants (such as vitamins) can counteract these effects.

Other methods include lip correction, reduction of frown lines, and pronounced expression wrinkles using minimally invasive techniques. Regular skin care, a healthy lifestyle with sufficient sleep, exercise, and a balanced diet also contribute to anti-aging and skin health.

We recommend individual consultation before each treatment so you can assess which method is best suited for you.

Our Q&A texts are by no means a substitute for a medical consultation. For an individual and well-founded medical assessment, we recommend a personal consultation at the Swiss Derma Clinic. We are happy to take the time for you!
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