
Age spots and melasma treatment in Zurich

Pig­men­ted lesi­ons are extre­me­ly com­mon – and no won­der, for natu­ral age­ing pro­ces­ses and hor­mo­n­al chan­ges often affect the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the pig­ment mela­nin in the skin. This is how irre­gu­lar­ly pig­men­ted skin, melas­ma (dark, blot­chy dis­co­lo­ra­ti­on of the skin on the face) as well as freck­les and age spots deve­lop. But all the­se con­di­ti­ons can be trea­ted gent­ly and effec­tively using the latest light and laser the­ra­py appli­ed at Swiss Der­ma Clinic.

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These techniques remove marks and unwanted pigmentation by targeting the melanin in the darkened area and thus eliminating all the layers of pigmentation, leaving evenly toned, flawless skin. These forms of treatment are designed for patient comfort and achieve excellent results on most skin types. In the challenging case of melasma, medical skin peels are often a good alternative.

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