
Aesthetic facial composition in Zurich

Aes­the­tic facial com­po­si­ti­on is a pro­mi­sing, respon­si­ble method to meet the patient’s desi­re for beau­ty and well-aging.


Methods such as hyalu­ro­nic acid fil­ler, botu­li­num toxin, thread lif­ting, laser tre­at­ment, injec­tion lipo­ly­sis, phot­ody­na­mic the­ra­py, meso­the­ra­py, need­ling, PRP plas­ma, pee­lings and ultra­sound can all be used and com­bi­ned with each other.


But it’s not the num­ber of dif­fe­rent the­ra­pies that’s important. What counts is the abili­ty to ‘read’ a face – to reco­gni­ze which of the pos­si­ble the­ra­pies will bring about posi­ti­ve change.

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Treatment protects and emphasizes your radiance. Friends and family may notice an improvement without being able to attribute it to aesthetic medicine. This concept of mixing and matching different types of therapy is the most promising route to a natural-looking overall result. Our specialist Dr Evangelia Georgouli is qualified to apply the various procedures for aesthetic facial composition proficiently and precisely.

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