
Acne and Acne Scars treatment in Zurich

Acne is no tri­vi­al mat­ter! Howe­ver, you no lon­ger have to accept living with acne or acne scars. Today, the­re are effec­ti­ve methods available to tre­at both conditions.

While acne most­ly affects teen­agers, many of our adult pati­ents also suf­fer from per­sis­tent forms of acne, such as late-onset acne (acne tar­da) or acne scars. The­se often affect visi­ble are­as like the face, which can have signi­fi­cant emo­tio­nal and social impacts on tho­se affec­ted. This is espe­ci­al­ly true for seve­re cases with pro­mi­nent pimp­les, pus­tu­les (pus-fil­led nodu­les), and inflammation.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic, we tre­at you using the latest methods—from modern medi­ca­ti­ons and der­ma­to-cos­me­tic acne tre­at­ments to laser the­ra­py and micro­need­ling. The soo­ner you start tre­at­ment, the bet­ter we can pre­vent chro­nic forms and scarring.


Book your per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on appoint­ment in Zurich today!

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Not all acne is the same!

There are different types of acne, and the causes are varied. Acne is often caused by blocked or enlarged sebaceous glands, fluctuating hormone levels, increased oil production, or various keratinization disorders. It commonly affects areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands, such as the face, back, and chest.
When bacteria are involved, the risk of inflammation increases. That’s why we always assess your skin individually before creating a personalized treatment plan.
Acne scars, which can permanently alter the skin’s appearance after inflammation has healed, are also a concern. But there are effective treatments available for these as well!


Treatment methods at Swiss Derma Clinic

Each treatment is carefully tailored to your skin, the type of acne, and the severity of your acne scars. Possible treatments include:

  • CO2 Laser Treatment: A modern laser therapy for the precise and gentle treatment of acne scars. The CO2 laser removes the top layers of skin in a controlled manner and stimulates regeneration.
  • Medical Microneedling: Tiny needles stimulate the skin to produce new collagen fibers, leading to smoother skin and fewer acne scars.
  • TCA Peel: Trichloroacetic acid peels can significantly refine the skin’s texture, reduce pore size, and smooth the skin’s appearance.
  • Fruit Acid Peel: Effective for large pores and scarred skin.
  • Ultrasound Treatment (LDM): This gentle cosmetic therapy promotes blood circulation and cell metabolism through the interaction of two technologies, ideal for supporting skin regeneration.
  • Clear Skin Pro Laser: Treats both active acne and acne scars.
  • RF Needling Genius: Stimulates skin renewal.
  • Exosome Therapy: A treatment for uneven skin tone and acne scars.


New: Exosome Therapy for Acne and Acne Scars

An innovative method for skin regeneration is exosome therapy. When combined with radiofrequency microneedling, this can smooth and improve the overall appearance of the skin, as well as reduce inflammation and scarring. This therapy is particularly effective for certain late-stage forms of acne.


Akne und Aknenarben behandeln in Zürich


Akne und Aknenarben behandeln in Zürich

What is the best treatment for acne scars?

The choice of treatment depends on the depth and type of acne scars. Possible options include laser treatments, TCA peels, mesotherapy, PRP, or cosmetic ultrasound treatments for mild scars.
Methods like the CO2 laser and microneedling are often effective, as they stimulate the skin to produce new collagen, which helps smooth scar tissue.

How long does it take to treat acne scars?

The duration depends on the chosen method and the appearance of the scars. Laser treatments often require several sessions, and the same applies to medical-cosmetic treatments

How often should treatment be performed?

The number of sessions varies depending on the severity of the acne or scars. The chosen treatment method also plays a role. Typically, 3 to 6 treatments are required over the course of several weeks to achieve optimal results. Feel free to contact our team for further questions.

Can acne be completely cured?

With the right treatment, acne can often be significantly improved—and in many cases, even completely cured. This always depends on the individual case and the underlying causes. Prevention, including appropriate skincare and dermatological follow-up care, plays a crucial role. We’ll discuss all of these points during your consultation in Zurich.

Is acne scar treatment painful?

Most treatments are very well tolerated, especially the modern methods we use at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich. Depending on the procedure, such as CO2 laser or microneedling, we may apply a numbing cream beforehand to minimize any discomfort.

When can I expect to see results?

Patience is key—but it pays off for your skin! Improvements in acne and acne scars take some time and typically appear after a few weeks. In some cases, depending on the treatment, you may see improvements after just one session.
Deeper scar treatments, such as CO2 laser therapy, may require a short recovery period depending on your skin’s sensitivity.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects can occur with any procedure, whether medical or cosmetic. However, when performed correctly, these are usually minimal. Common side effects include mild redness and swelling after various acne and scar treatments, which typically subside within a few days.

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