In the world of aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne, pro­gress never stands still – and the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic under the direc­tion of Lia Geor­gouli is no excep­ti­on. Sin­ce 2024, Lia has been a reco­gni­zed Key Opi­ni­on Lea­der for Alma Lasers Suis­se and thus the dri­ving force in the deve­lo­p­ment of new tre­at­ment pro­to­cols for skin impro­ve­ment and reju­ve­na­ti­on. Part of her role is also to train other doc­tors, give lec­tures and lead work­shops and intro­duc­to­ry pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. We have been invol­ved in two gre­at events in the last few weeks:



Event number 1: The launch of a revolutionary laser platform

Octo­ber was a par­ti­cu­lar­ly exci­ting month for us, crow­ned by the launch of a new high-per­for­mance laser sys­tem. The event was not only a demons­tra­ti­on of the latest tech­no­lo­gies, but also the intro­duc­tion of an inno­va­ti­ve tre­at­ment con­cept to impro­ve over­all skin qua­li­ty.


The mul­ti­func­tion­al laser, which will also be used at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic from Janu­ary 2025, sets new stan­dards in laser skin tre­at­ment. It pro­vi­des an inten­si­ve bio-boost that deep­ly revi­ta­li­zes and renews the skin and is effec­ti­ve for a ran­ge of skin problems.


The are­as of appli­ca­ti­on include:


  • Skin reju­ve­na­ti­on & firming
  • Impro­ving the appearance of the skin
  • Reduc­tion of skin impurities
  • Impro­ve­ment of scars
  • Tre­at­ment of acne & couperose


Com­bi­ning the device with tre­at­ments such as Prof­hi­lo, which inten­si­ve­ly hydra­tes the skin with high­ly con­cen­tra­ted hyalu­ro­nic acid, signi­fi­cant­ly enhan­ces laser the­ra­py. The skin sur­face, skin struc­tu­re down to the deeper tis­sue lay­ers and over­all skin health can be posi­tively influen­ced! With the results of a youn­ger and fres­her appearance – enti­re­ly in line with Skin Lon­ge­vi­ty.



Swiss Derma Clinic Pioneer: BioBoost treatments from January 2025

Sin­ce its intro­duc­tion, the new laser sys­tem has been regard­ed as a revo­lu­ti­on in aes­the­tic laser medi­ci­ne. It enables a huge ran­ge of tre­at­ments – from impro­ving the appearance of the skin, redu­cing wrink­les (anti-age­ing tre­at­ment) and remo­ving pig­men­ta­ti­on marks and melas­ma to resur­fa­cing and a high­ly effec­ti­ve pee­ling alter­na­ti­ve. Various laser and light inten­si­ties can be set.


We can also remo­ve tat­toos and per­ma­nent make-up with this inno­va­ti­ve sys­tem. Other important are­as of appli­ca­ti­on are the tre­at­ment of acne, vas­cu­lar chan­ges, rosacea, cou­pe­ro­se and skin chan­ges such as nipp­les and angio­mas. An all-roun­der for skin renewal!


2nd event: The opening of the new exhibition rooms and live demo

In addi­ti­on to the intro­duc­tion of the mul­ti­func­tion laser, we were also invol­ved in the ope­ning of the new exhi­bi­ti­on and ope­ra­ting pre­mi­ses of Alma Lasers Suis­se. The event pro­vi­ded a gre­at plat­form for live demonstrations.


Lia Geor­gouli pre­sen­ted the new­ly deve­lo­ped Clear Skin Pro tre­at­ment con­cept to a high­ly inte­res­ted spe­cia­list audi­ence of doc­tors from various disci­pli­nes and beau­ti­ci­ans. The tre­at­ment is effec­ti­ve for acne and acne scars, inclu­ding deep-sea­ted spots, chro­ni­cal­ly ble­mis­hed skin and is sui­ta­ble for all skin types. The posi­ti­ve side effect: visi­bly youn­ger-loo­king, firm­er and more even skin. This means that the tre­at­ment is also ide­al for so-cal­led age-rela­ted acne.


Three ses­si­ons are often enough for cle­ar­ly visi­ble impro­ve­ments. Pati­ents are imme­dia­te­ly soci­al­ly accep­ta­ble, with only mini­mal side effects such as slight red­ness. We recom­mend regu­lar refres­her tre­at­ments – always depen­ding on the indi­vi­du­al skin condition.


The tech­no­lo­gy behind it: For the Clear Skin Pro tre­at­ment, we use the Er:Glass laser, which crea­tes tiny, high-ener­gy inju­ries in the sub­cu­ta­neous tis­sue – thus sti­mu­la­ting tis­sue rege­ne­ra­ti­on and increased col­la­gen pro­duc­tion. The skin sur­face its­elf is not damaged.



Were we able to arou­se your inte­rest? The Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic always stays up to date – and com­bi­nes tech­no­lo­gy with spe­cia­list know­ledge. This means that we can always offer our pati­ents the latest and best opti­ons in aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne. Visit us in Zurich.


Plea­se feel free to make an appoint­ment for a visit or consultation.

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