
Treating Ingrown Toenails with a Nail Brace

An ingrown toe­nail often comes with seve­re pain. The toe feels pres­su­red while wal­king or stan­ding and is fre­quent­ly infla­med in the affec­ted area. The nail fold may show red­ness and ten­der­ness. At this stage, home reme­dies are usual­ly inef­fec­ti­ve and can even wor­sen the inflamm­a­ti­on in the alre­a­dy sen­si­ti­ve area. In most cases, the big toe­nails are affected.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we offer quick reli­ef—our podia­trist careful­ly cor­rects the ingrown nail and pre­vents it from recur­ring with cus­tom-fit­ted nail braces. Over time, your toe­nail will grow back into its natu­ral shape.

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How Ingrown Toenails Develop

Ingrown toenails often result from improper or overly short nail cutting, pressure from poorly fitting shoes, or trauma, such as stubbing a toe. They typically affect the big toe and can occur in both adults and adolescents.

Are you looking for an effective solution for ingrown toenails in Zurich? Contact us directly at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich and book your appointment here.


Treatment with a Nail Brace

The nail brace is a highly effective technique for treating ingrown toenails. A small brace is placed on the affected nail, gently lifting it to correct its growth direction. At the same time, the brace reduces pressure on the nail bed, alleviating discomfort. The brace is typically made of thin, flexible wire or a special plastic material. Our podiatrist customizes it to fit the size and shape of your nail.

Your Treatment Process

During your initial consultation at the Swiss Derma Clinic, we carefully examine your toe and work with our podiatrist to plan your treatment. The application of the nail brace is a precise and gentle procedure. Your toe is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before the custom-fitted brace is placed and adjusted on your nail. The brace gradually guides the nail into the desired growth direction. Follow-up appointments will monitor your progress and, if necessary, adjust the brace to ensure continuous and effective correction of the nail’s growth and optimal healing.

What You Can Expect from Nail Brace Treatment

The nail brace treatment effectively alleviates the symptoms and improves your quality of life by enabling pain-free movement.

  • Minimally invasive procedure performed by our experienced podiatrist.
  • Immediate relief from pain and pressure.
  • Reliable results through targeted correction of nail growth.
  • No impact on daily life and no downtime required.

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