
Body toning in Zurich

Are you get­ting clo­ser to your ide­al weight with die­ting and fit­ness but not achie­ving the body sil­hou­et­te you desi­re? The reason could be stub­born fat depo­sits in com­mon “pro­blem are­as” such as the thighs, abdo­men, upper arms (“bat wings”), flanks (com­mon­ly cal­led the “Christ­mas tree”), or even under the chin.

What helps here? Tar­ge­ted body toning—a com­bi­na­ti­on of tis­sue-tigh­tening, fat-redu­cing, and skin-reju­ve­na­ting pro­ce­du­res. Depen­ding on indi­vi­du­al fat dis­tri­bu­ti­on, even a sin­gle method can lead to the desi­red suc­cess. At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use high-inten­si­ty ultra­sound (Sof­wa­ve), lipo­ly­sis, Geni­us (micro­need­ling radio­fre­quen­cy), and other advan­ced methods for body contouring.

Would you like to address your pro­blem are­as effec­tively and are inte­res­ted in our body ton­ing tre­at­ments in Zurich? Then book your per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on here.

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1. Genius: Microneedling Radiofrequency for Precise Body Contouring Genius uses microneedling-induced radiofrequency (RF) to penetrate deep into the tissue and stimulate fat reduction. This treatment allows us to tighten the skin precisely in the problem areas, improve the appearance of cellulite, and increase the overall firmness of the skin. At the same time, it strengthens the skin structure, resulting in a more youthful and firmer silhouette.

2. Sofwave – Ultrasound for Skin Tightening

Sofwave is one of the most advanced ultrasound treatments in aesthetic medicine. The procedure is non-invasive and therefore particularly gentle on the tissue. The high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) works primarily in the mid and deep layers of the skin. It activates natural healing processes that are responsible for building a firm collagen structure in the skin. Sofwave is ideal for treating the abdomen, thighs, chest, face, and upper arms, as well as any areas prone to loss of elasticity.

3. Lipolysis – Effective Fat Reduction Through Injections

Lipolysis is an effective and proven procedure in which we can precisely reduce localized and stubborn fat deposits using a special active ingredient. The substance used in lipolysis, typically a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate, permanently dissolves the unwanted fat cells, which are then naturally metabolized and eliminated by the body. This treatment is particularly effective for fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, legs, back, or hips.


Treatment Process in Zurich
At Swiss Derma Clinic, we start with an individual consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and analyze your skin condition. Based on this, we jointly plan the most suitable technology or a combination of several treatments. Each treatment is performed by experienced specialists at our Zurich practice. The duration of the treatment or the frequency of individual sessions depends on the chosen method and treatment area. We will discuss these details with you before starting. To maintain the results, we recommend periodic follow-up treatments.


Would you like to reshape and firm your body? Contact us and book your appointment here.

bodytoning zürich


bodytoning zürich

Which body toning method is best for me?

The choice of method depends on various factors, such as your specific problem areas, skin type, and individual treatment goals. During your initial consultation, we will discuss the options that best suit your needs.

How many treatments are necessary?

The number of necessary treatments also varies from case to case and depends on factors such as the extent of fat deposits, your skin’s elasticity, your muscle tissue, and your skin type. Generally, multiple sessions are needed to achieve perfect results, especially for Genius and Sofwave treatments. For lipolysis, however, one session is often sufficient.

Is body toning painful?

Most patients find the treatments tolerable. For more sensitive procedures like Genius, a topical anesthetic can be used to enhance comfort.

How long is the recovery period after body toning in Zurich?

Most treatments require little to no downtime. For some procedures, like lipolysis, mild swelling or bruising may occur but usually subsides quickly. These side effects might be slightly uncomfortable, but in most cases, you can resume your normal activities immediately.

What causes stubborn fat deposits in common problem areas?

Stubborn fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, thighs, and hips can be particularly frustrating because they are often resistant to dieting and exercise. This phenomenon is caused by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and physiological factors:

  1. Genetic Predisposition: The distribution of fat deposits in the body is strongly influenced by genetics. If family members tend to accumulate fat in certain areas, it’s likely you will show similar patterns.
  2. Hormonal Influences: Hormones play a key role in fat distribution. In women, for example, the hormone estrogen promotes fat storage around the hips and thighs as an evolutionary energy reserve for pregnancy and breastfeeding. In men, testosterone encourages fat storage in the abdominal area.
  3. Metabolic Differences: Fat cells in different parts of the body react differently to physical activity and hormonal signals. Fat cells in problem areas often have a higher number of alpha receptors, which inhibit fat mobilization, as opposed to beta receptors, which promote it. This makes it harder to lose fat from these areas.
  4. Blood Circulation: Reduced blood flow in certain areas can also hinder fat reduction, as it affects the body’s ability to break down and remove fat cells effectively.
  5. Lifestyle Factors: Lack of physical activity, poor eating habits, and insufficient sleep can all contribute to the formation and persistence of stubborn fat deposits, regardless of other factors.
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Aesthetic Consultation
Fat Lipolysis Injection
Fat Lipolysis Injection Abdomen
Fat Lipolysis Injection Chest (Men)
Fat Lipolysis Injection Double Chin
Fat Lipolysis Injection Flanks
Fat Lipolysis Injection Jowls
Fat Lipolysis Injection Love Handles
Fat Lipolysis Injection Inner Thighs
Fat Lipolysis Injection Saddle Bags
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Aesthetic Consultation
Fat Lipolysis Injection
Fat Lipolysis Injection Abdomen
Fat Lipolysis Injection Chest (Men)
Fat Lipolysis Injection Double Chin
Fat Lipolysis Injection Flanks
Fat Lipolysis Injection Jowls
Fat Lipolysis Injection Love Handles
Fat Lipolysis Injection Inner Thighs
Fat Lipolysis Injection Saddle Bags