
Wrinkle Treatment with Radiesse in Zurich

Radies­se is a pro­ven method for effec­tively trea­ting wrink­les with injec­tions, pro­vi­ding a finer skin struc­tu­re and a youn­ger, fres­her appearance. Radies­se has been appro­ved for wrink­le tre­at­ment sin­ce 2004 in Euro­pe and sin­ce 2002 in the USA. The acti­ve ingre­di­ent is a spe­cial fil­ler made of cal­ci­um hydro­xyla­pa­ti­te. This sub­s­tance is com­ple­te­ly meta­bo­li­zed by the body after a few months and is capa­ble of effec­tively fil­ling in wrink­les and volu­me los­ses. By sti­mu­la­ting the body­’s own col­la­gen pro­duc­tion, the skin can beco­me firm­er and smoot­her overall.

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Radiesse treatment is well-suited for individuals experiencing early signs of skin aging or those wishing to reduce pronounced facial wrinkles. At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we specialize in aesthetic wrinkle treatments. Each treatment is customized following thorough consultation and education provided by our specialists, Dr. Georgouli and Dr. Hatzipouflis.


Radiesse is suitable for treating wrinkles such as:

  • Chin wrinkles, such as a pronounced chin crease
  • Marionette lines
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Lip lines
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Sagging jowls
  • Nose corrections

Your treatment takes place on an outpatient basis in a comfortable atmosphere at our clinic in Zurich. Schedule your consultation today.


Benefits of Radiesse Wrinkle Treatment in Zurich:

  • Long-lasting results
  • Natural appearance with proper application
  • No downtime after treatment
  • High compatibility of the filler
  • Conveniently located clinic in the center of Zurich
  • Treatment by experienced specialists

Compared to hyaluronic fillers, Radiesse treatments last significantly longer, with many of our patients enjoying results up to 18 months, and some even up to 2 years. Radiesse can be effectively combined with other wrinkle treatments, such as hyaluronic acid, to fill in wrinkles and depressions immediately.

Features of Radiesse

The filler material consists of tiny microspheres injected under the skin to boost collagen production. Wrinkle filling, therefore, occurs naturally from within, making Radiesse treatments relatively low-risk.

faltenbehandlung radiesse


faltenbehandlung radiesse

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is an injectable filler used in aesthetic medicine for wrinkle correction and addressing volume loss, for instance in sunken cheeks or temples. The filler primarily consists of calcium and phosphate ions, which are also naturally present in the human body, ensuring good compatibility.

How does Radiesse work?

Radiesse effectively smooths wrinkles and is suitable for filling static wrinkles like nasolabial folds or chin creases and for restoring volume to saggy and hollow areas. Additional applications include hand rejuvenation, chin augmentation, or treating deep oral commissure folds.


Radiesse stimulates skin renewal processes like collagen formation, improving skin structure to become noticeably firmer and more elastic in the weeks following treatment in Zurich.

How long does the result last, and what side effects can I expect?

Results last several months but are not permanent. The rate at which the filler is metabolized depends on individual metabolism, which varies from person to person. Factors like intense sun exposure or weight loss can accelerate breakdown. In some cases, the effects last up to two years, significantly longer than with hyaluronic treatments.


Side effects and risks exist with Radiesse injections, as with all medical treatments. However, they are minimal with professional application. Possible side effects include mild skin redness or swelling at the injection site, usually subsiding within a week. In rare cases, granulomas can form under the skin but will also degrade. Allergic reactions to calcium hydroxylapatite are not known.

What does Radiesse treatment cost in Zurich?

The cost of Radiesse treatment varies individually based on your specific desires, skin type, and wrinkle severity. Please contact us directly for precise pricing information and schedule a consultation at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.


You can make an appointment by contacting us at 0041 44 739 9000 or via email at

How should I prepare for Radiesse treatment, and what is the procedure?

Avoid blood-thinning medications like aspirin or ibuprofen for several days before treatment, as they can increase bruising and bleeding risks. If you regularly take these medications, consult your primary care physician or speak with us. Do not discontinue any medication without guidance. Also, avoid smoking and sunbathing before treatment.


The injection process with Radiesse typically takes no longer than 30 minutes. Anesthesia is usually not necessary, but numbing cream can be applied upon request. Our specialists use thin, Japanese needles to inject the Radiesse filler directly into the skin. Most patients can resume social activities immediately after treatment.

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