
Elevating sagging mouth corners in Zurich

A smi­le can chan­ge the world! But when the cor­ners of the mouth droop, it can be dif­fi­cult to show that smi­le. Sag­ging mouth cor­ners are often a mat­ter of gene­tics and most­ly a sign of aging. They can quick­ly make the facial expres­si­on appear sad and grum­py. The more the skin sla­ckens, the more pro­no­un­ced the down­tur­ned mouth cor­ners become.


The good news: Today, the­re are effec­ti­ve solu­ti­ons to lift sag­ging mouth cor­ners. The tre­at­ment in our cli­nic in Zurich only takes a few seconds – the spec­ta­cu­lar result is imme­dia­te­ly visible.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic, we spe­cia­li­ze in aes­the­tic tre­at­ments – offe­ring you the most effec­ti­ve methods in modern wrink­le tre­at­ments, fil­lers, and non-sur­gi­cal facelifts.

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Treatments for 'Lifting the Corners of the Mouth' at the Swiss Derma Clinic:


Sagging mouth corners can be treated using various methods. The most common include:

  • Hyaluronic Acid: A 'tiny' treatment with an incredible effect. Injecting the corners of the mouth lifts them in a matter of seconds. You'll look immediately happier and more relaxed.
  • Radiesse: Das Unterspritzen von Calciumhydroxylapatit kann für langanhaltende Straffungseffekte (bis zu 18 Monaten) sorgen.
  • Thread Lifting: In thread lifting, skin-compatible threads are inserted under the skin. By applying precise tension, we tighten the facial skin, thus slightly lifting the corners of the mouth.


Want to lift your mouth corners for more self-confidence and a more positive radiance? If you have questions about the treatment, we're here to help. Simply schedule an appointment at our clinic in Zurich.


Not just the mouth corners, but the entire lip and mouth area influences the radiant smile and shapes our facial expression. And our impact on others. Upon request, we also perform lip injections, gentle lip injections, injections for marionette lines and smoker's lines (pleated wrinkles), and other beauty treatments.

mundwinkel anheben in zuerich


mundwinkel anheben in zuerich

Wie funktioniert das Mundwinkel anheben?

Durch moderne minimalinvasive Methoden wie Hyaluron-Filler sehen Sie unmittelbar frischer, positiver und jünger aus. Die Behandlungen erfolgen ambulant, es fallen keine Ausfallzeiten an.


Bei der Behandlung mit Fillern spritzen unsere Fachärztinnen ein spezielles Hyaluronsäure-Präparat genau in den Bereich der Mundwinkel. Die gelartige Substanz lässt sich gut in der Haut verteilen und ist in aller Regel verträglich. Die Falten der Mundwinkel werden aufgefüllt – hierdurch heben sich diese automatisch an. Die Wirkung hält je nach Produkt zwischen fünf und zehn Monaten an – in einigen Fällen und bei wiederholter Anwendung auch deutlich länger.


Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist das Fadenlifting. Hierbei werden Spezialfäden mit einer dünnen Kanüle unter die Hautgebracht. Diese bewirken durch Zug eine Straffung. Die Wirkung kann bis zu einem Jahr und länger anhalten. Das Fadenlifting lässt sich gut mit anderen Methoden kombinieren.

What is the treatment process at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich?

The process of a treatment at the Swiss Derma Clinic always begins with a consultation. Our specialists, Dr. Georgouli and Dr. Hatzipouflis, will discuss with you which method is best suited for you and what effects you can really expect.


Shortly before the actual treatment, we apply a numbing cream, if desired, to avoid pain from the injections. Fillers like hyaluronic acid often already contain a mild anesthetic, and we also use particularly gentle cannulas. If your skin is more reddened, it can be quickly soothed with calming masks or pads.


All these methods are very effective and gentle. Which method suits you depends on your preferences.


After the treatment, you should avoid sports, sunbathing, and sauna visits for a few days to prevent swelling.

Is lifting the mouth corners painful?

Most patients find the procedure uncomfortable but not painful. On request, we use local anesthetic creams, so you hardly feel the injection. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, our doctors use Japanese cannulas, which have the smallest diameter and cause practically no injuries or pain.

Are there any risks in lifting the mouth corners?

As with any medical procedure, there are certain risks such as allergic reactions (very rare), redness, swelling, or light bruising of the skin around the injection sites. These effects are generally well concealable, for example, with concealer, tinted day creams, or makeup.

Who is suitable for lifting the mouth corners?

You'll benefit from 'lifting the mouth corners' if your mouth corners hang slightly or more pronouncedly, and you desire an overall more youthful and cheerful appearance.

What causes sagging mouth corners?

Sagging mouth corners can have various causes:

  • Aging: As we age, our skin loses elasticity and firmness. Wrinkles form, and the area around the mouth sags.
  • Facial expressions: If certain muscles in the face are overused, such as through unconscious and frequent pulling down of the mouth corners, they can become more pronounced.
  • Genetic predisposition: In some people, the mouth corners naturally droop slightly. Even here, a small treatment can make a convincing change.

What helps when the sagging mouth corners are pronounced?

Sometimes sagging mouth corners extend into so-called marionette lines, running from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. Treatment with hyaluronic acid is particularly suitable for this, allowing us to treat even deep wrinkles safely and with convincing results. Feel free to consult us in our clinic in Zurich for this.

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Hyaluronic Acid Lips & Mouth Corners