OxyGeneo with TriPollar radio frequency - an exclusive skin treatment for the highest demands

Oxy­Ge­neo is the latest trend in anti-age­ing tre­at­ment. With new tech­no­lo­gies and pro­ducts indi­vi­du­al­ly tail­o­red to the skin type, ama­zing results can be achieved.


Step 1 – Tri­Pol­lar radiofrequency
– ANTI AGING through deep heat
– Reduc­tion of wrink­les with imme­dia­te results: con­trac­tion of col­la­gen fibres, firm, plump skin.
– Long-term effect: Acti­va­ti­on of the fibro­blasts – more col­la­gen, elas­tin and hyaluron.
Radio­fre­quen­cy cau­ses the col­la­gen fibres to con­tract, which leads to an imme­dia­te tigh­tening of the skin. In addi­ti­on, col­la­gen and elas­tin pro­duc­tion is built up and sti­mu­la­ted in the long term. With this tech­no­lo­gy, a com­pre­hen­si­ve recon­s­truc­tion of the facial oval takes place in a non-inva­si­ve way – ins­tead of a sur­gi­cal lift.

Step 2 – Pee­ling / Microdermabrasion 
Through the paten­ted, inten­se, and uni­que exfo­li­a­ting pro­cess of Cap­su­genTM, dead skin cells are remo­ved. This opti­mal­ly pre­pa­res the skin for the absorp­ti­on of acti­ve ingre­di­ents. The result: A radi­ant, fresh com­ple­xi­on. Depen­ding on the skin pro­blem, tre­at­ment request, or skin type, the­re are dif­fe­rent Oxy­Pod sets with various natu­ral acti­ve ingredients.

Step 3 – Oxy­gen activation
Count­less CO2 bubbles are gene­ra­ted. This sti­mu­la­tes the body’s own oxy­gen pro­duc­tion from within. The skin is vita­li­sed and recei­ves the glow effect.

Step 4 – Injec­tion of acti­ve ingredients
Essen­ti­al nut­ri­ents and vit­amins are infu­sed deep into the skin. The result is an all-round nou­ris­hed and reju­ve­n­a­ted skin.

Step 5 – Ultrasound
Ultra­sound increa­ses the per­mea­bi­li­ty of the skin. This allows for the opti­mal infu­si­on of acti­ve ingre­di­ents. By acti­vat­ing cell meta­bo­lism, the­se are tho­rough­ly absor­bed by the skin. The tre­at­ment is con­cluded with a deep, mecha­ni­cal massage.

Geneo Oxypods Overview


Against signs of skin ageing


For a radiant, brightened complexion


To keep the skin young


For dry skin


For oily, blemished skin


For tightening the skin and new radiance

Breathe in - shine out




How many treatments are needed?

You will see amazing results directly after the first treatment! For an intensive change, we recommend a course of several treatments.

How does the treatment feel?

The OxyGeneoTM treatment has a tingling effect and refreshes the skin. The radio frequency treatment is like a warm massage. All geneo treatments are pleasant and painless.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Your skin feels fresh, firm and rejuvenated. It is not reddened afterwards as with similar treatments and you can go straight back to your activities.

Is the treatment sustainable?

This treatment boosts the body's own oxygen, collagen and elastin production. Therefore, you benefit from a long-term effect!

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The unique geneo -
Learn more about this treatment!

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