
Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling: Innovative Hyaluron Treatment

Prof­hi­lo® is an inno­va­ti­ve anti-aging pro­ce­du­re that we suc­cessful­ly use at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic to inten­si­ve­ly mois­tu­ri­se sag­ging skin and smooth it over lar­ge areas.


The effec­ti­ve hyalu­ron the­ra­py pro­vi­des imme­dia­te­ly visi­ble effects: Your skin is noti­ce­ab­ly plum­per and firm­er after the tre­at­ment. In addi­ti­on, the natu­ral elas­tin and col­la­gen for­ma­ti­on is sti­mu­la­ted. The results are a youthful and natu­ral­ly fresh appearance. Bio-remo­de­ling is also sui­ta­ble for lar­ger are­as of skin.

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The new Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling is ideal for dry and sallow skin with the first wrinkles and lines. Depending on the skin condition, complementary applications with fillers, botulinum toxin, PRP or laser are possible. We will be happy to advise you in detail.


Maintaining a youthful appearance for as long as possible - this is what most of our clients at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich want. Profhilo® supports the natural skin processes. The skin structure improves, the skin stores more moisture and the connective tissue becomes firmer. Even with more severe wrinkles, we achieve a lasting smoothing of the skin - and this already after the first treatment. Compared to hyaluronic acid fillers, Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling has a two-dimensional effect and is therefore also predestined for treatments on the décolleté, neck, hands, elbows, knees or upper arms. You are ready for social life again immediately after the treatment.


At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we offer you individual solutions that are perfectly tailored to your skin. You are in safe hands with our specialist, Ms Georgouli. The experienced dermatologist is an expert in the field of aesthetic medicine.


Profhilo® offers the highest concentration of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid currently available and was awarded the "Best injectable Product" in 2018! The product is free of additives and very well tolerated.




What is Profhilo® Bio-Remodelling?

Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling is an innovative anti-aging treatment that has already won several awards for its effectiveness. For Bio-Remodeling we use the highest concentrated hyaluronic acid currently available on the market. The treatment with the non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid is ideal for sagging, dehydrated skin with the first lines and wrinkles. The results:


  • intensive moisturisation of the skin.
  • Immediately visible smoothing of the skin
  • reduces skin redness and couperose
  • increases the elasticity of the skin
  • reduces the size of pores
  • reduces dark circles and shadows under the eyes
  • an overall fresher and rejuvenated skin appearance (glow effect).


The skin becomes visibly and noticeably firmer. In addition, Profhilo® stimulates the body's own formation of elastin and collagen. The skin structure is strengthened and further smoothed. Profhilo® is suitable for application over a wide area - for example, the entire face.


The new anti-aging treatment is also suitable for sensitive and allergic skin: the hyaluronic acid used is free of additives and therefore very tolerable. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling for hydration of the entire face, on the décolleté, on the hands, on the neck or in the area of the upper arms.

Which hyaluronic acid is used for Profhilo® Bio-Remodelling?

For bio-remodeling we use a highly concentrated and non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid. This spreads well in the skin and has an intensive moisturising effect. Profhilo® is free from other additives and is particularly well tolerated. Allergies or intolerances are therefore rare.


The non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid has been highly compressed and concentrated. The special composition and targeted injections ensure that the product is distributed over a large area of the entire facial skin.

What is the treatment process and when will I see the first results?

Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling is performed on an outpatient basis at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich. A session lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. In addition, you should allow some time for a short preliminary discussion.

Profhilo® Bio-Remodelling usually consists of two treatment sessions. There should be an interval of about four weeks between the two sessions. You will already see the first effects after the first session - after both units, a clear smoothing of the skin is noticeable. The overall appearance is fresher, more relaxed and youthful.

How does bio-remodeling compare to hyaluronic acid fillers?

Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling is the ideal anti-aging treatment for skin with the first wrinkles and lines. Tired, sagging and sallow skin also benefits from the treatment. Unlike the filler treatment, Bio-Remodeling has a two-dimensional effect - not just on individual areas or wrinkles. Our experienced specialist, Mrs Georgouli, injects the highly concentrated hyaluronic acid with the finest needles at five fixed points on each side of the face. These points are sufficient to achieve an intensive effect on the entire face. In addition, the skin's hyaluronic acid production is stimulated - and more elastin and collagen are produced. This ensures a tighter skin structure and firmer contours and a naturally fresh and youthful appearance. Bio-remodeling is ideal for skin between 30 and 50 - but is also suitable for more severe wrinkles.

In addition, hyaluron fillers are perfect for deeper wrinkles, sunken cheeks and for emphasising (modelling) certain contours or skin areas. Eye rims due to increasing loss of volume can also be well balanced out with hyaluron fillers. Both hyaluron treatments, Profhilo® and filler, can be well combined for optimal results.

With which wrinkle treatments (suitable) can Profhilo® Bio-Remodeling be combined?

Depending on the skin condition, at the Swiss Derma Clinic we combine Profhilo® bio-remodeling with fillers (hyaluronic acid fillers), with botulinum toxin, with laser treatments and other anti-aging treatments.


For example, the entire facial skin can be gently smoothed and moisturised with Profhilo®. In addition, pronounced expression lines around the eyes (crow's feet) or the famous frown lines can be gently corrected with a botulinum injection.


Hyaluron fillers are predestined for pronounced nasolabial folds and wrinkles at the corners of the mouth (marionette lines). The filler is injected selectively into the area of the wrinkles - these are immediately filled, softened and intensively smoothed. This treatment method is also optimal for deep wrinkles. The existing volume deficit is already compensated for in a single application.

What are the advantages of Profhilo® Bio-Remodelling?

The entire facial skin is intensively supplied with moisture (hyaluronic acid). Profhilo® unfolds a quasi depot effect and stimulates the skin and hydration for several weeks to months.

  • Dual effect: regeneration and immediately visible smooth, firmer skin
  • Support of the body's own hyaluron production. Stimulation of the formation of elastin and collagen
  • Long-lasting effects due to non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid
  • High tolerance due to the absence of additives
  • Awarded as "Best injectable product" (2018)

For which skin areas is bio-remodeling suitable?

In contrast to filler treatment, Profhilo® can be applied to large areas. The treatment is suitable for the face, neck, décolleté, hands and elbows and also the knees or upper arms. Depending on the skin condition and the desired effect, bio-remodeling can be combined very well with other anti-aging treatments. We will be happy to advise you at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.

What side effects should I expect?

Our specialist, Mrs Georgouli, works with the most compatible products available on the aesthetic medicine market. Profhilo® contains no additives and is usually tolerated without any problems - even by sensitive skin. The injections may cause slight swelling around the injection sites immediately after the treatment. These disappear by themselves after a few hours and can be covered with a little make-up. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich we use very fine needles - the risk of swelling is therefore extremely low. Allergic reactions are rare.

What do I have to pay attention to before Profhilo® Bio-Remodelling?

If you regularly take blood-thinning medication such as ASA, discontinue these - only after consulting your doctor - a few days before the treatment. This minimises the risk of bruising. If swelling or small bruises do occur, you can cool the skin areas.


If possible, avoid extensive sun exposure and sauna visits for the first few days after the treatment. You should also avoid massages and excessive pressure in the treatment area during the first week.

How long do the effects last?

You will already see good effects after the first application. The skin appears fresher overall and naturally tightened and firmed. Depending on the skin condition, a single treatment is sufficient. Usually, an optimal result is achieved in two sessions, four weeks apart. In the case of very pronounced wrinkles, the ideal basic treatment can also consist of three sessions. The effect lasts for about six months and can be refreshed at any time if desired.

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