
Mesolift & Mesotherapy in Zurich

Skin-rege­ne­ra­ting acti­ve ingre­di­ents such as hyalu­ro­nic acid or vit­amins, mine­rals and ami­no acids are intro­du­ced into the midd­le (meso) skin lay­er. They revi­ta­li­ze and the­r­e­fo­re also tigh­ten the skin, making it look youn­ger and more radi­ant again. A spe­cial device cal­led a meso­pis­tol can be used to set the depth of pene­tra­ti­on and make injec­tion less pain­ful. Meso­the­ra­py can be com­bi­ned with other aes­the­tic pro­ce­du­res such as need­ling or laser treatment.

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The face, neck, décolletage and backs of the hands can be superbly treated as a preventive measure against skin ageing. A mesolift can also be used to treat skin damaged by the sun or a generally sallow complexion.


NETWORK Meso is part of NETWORK Globalhealth, an international network of doctors with over 2,000 members in 64 countries. Our dermatologist has been certified by the Global Health Academy, which delivers objective, independent training, and has been a member of NETWORK Globalhealth since 2012.

Mesolift in Zürich


Mesolift in Zürich

What is mesotherapy (mesolift)?

Mesotherapy, also known as mesolift, is one of the dermatological anti-ageing treatments. It is a gentle method that stimulates skin circulation and cell renewal. In mesotherapy, we use tiny needles to inject highly concentrated active ingredients such as vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and hyaluron into the skin. With the help of these micro-injections, the active ingredient mix reaches exactly the layers of the skin where it can unfold its effect. We adjust the active ingredients and the depth of the injection to your individual skin condition.


Your skin appears rejuvenated, firmer and fresher after mesotherapy. Tired and sallow facial skin is better supplied with blood and captivates with that certain glow, a soft and youthful shimmer. For this reason, mesotherapy is also called mesoglow in the USA. The cocktail of active ingredients also offers protection against light-induced skin ageing and increases skin hydration.


At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we combine mesotherapy with other aesthetic treatments depending on the skin condition and the desired result. For example, with biostimulation, PRP lifting, laser treatments or with an individual cosmetic treatment. Mesotherapy is suitable for the facial skin, the hands and for the neck and décolleté. It is the ideal treatment for dry, horny and dull skin. A session lasts between 15 minutes and one hour. You can return to your daily activities immediately after the treatment.

How does mesotherapy work?

Mesotherapy (Mesolift) alleviates the signs of premature ageing, gives the skin a fresh glow (Mesoglow) and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin. The injected active ingredients and moisturisers are stored directly in the skin in the middle layers of the skin and act selectively as well as in the surrounding skin tissue. The results are a rejuvenated appearance, a finer skin surface and reduced wrinkles. The effect lasts for several months after three to five basic sessions.

When does mesotherapy make sense?

Mesolift is the optimal treatment for patients who want skin rejuvenation, revitalisation and a gentle smoothing of the skin, but who shy away from a real lift or minimally invasive treatments such as liquid lifting or Botulinum toxin treatment. Mesotherapy is a gentle procedure that is kind to the skin. The treatment is similar to a cosmetic treatment - but with distinct firming effects. The active ingredients can act in the middle (meso) layers of the skin and intensively strengthen the skin barrier from within.


Mesotherapy is not only suitable as an anti-aging treatment, but also for the therapy of acne scars. The mix of active ingredients is also decisive for the success of the treatment, matching your skin type and the desired effects. Our specialist Ms Georgouli is a certified member of Netzwerk-Globalhealth - an internationally respected network of doctors for aesthetic medicine and medical concepts.

For which skin is the Mesolift suitable?

Mesolift (mesotherapy) is particularly suitable for dry, sallow, light-damaged or horny skin. Mesotherapy gives the skin a fresh glow and makes the complexion appear more radiant and youthful. The treatment is ideal for:


  • tired, stressed and prematurely aged skin on the face, neck and hands.
  • Skin that suffers from loss of elasticity.
  • Sagging skin with the first wrinkles.
  • Fine wrinkles in the chin and cheek area and on the hands.
  • Large-pored and irregular facial skin.
  • Scars and stretch marks.
  • Therapies for hair loss in the context of PRP plasma and vamir lifting.

How does the Mesolift treatment work?

The mesolift is performed on an outpatient basis and takes about 20 minutes. First, the skin is cleansed and disinfected. Our specialist, Ms Georgouli, uses a delicate needle to apply skin-firming and strengthening active ingredients to the wrinkles and the entire face, décolleté, neck or hands. Depending on the skin's condition, she combines minerals, regenerating vitamins and repairing ingredients such as non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid.


For the microinjections, she uses the so-called mesopistol, an electronic injection device that ensures a very skin-friendly treatment. The punctures are extremely fine and usually no deeper than 0.5 centimetres. With an electronic injection device, they are hardly noticeable. Sensitive skin areas such as the forehead or lips can be pre-treated with a light anaesthetic ointment if desired.

How often should I have mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy should initially be performed in three to five sessions. An interval of 14 days between treatments is considered optimal. The individual treatment lasts between 20 minutes and one hour, depending on the skin area. The skin regenerates faster and more intensively after each session. At the same time, the body's own production of collagen and elastin receives a boost. The skin layers are visibly better supplied with blood and the skin structure gradually becomes smoother.


If necessary, mesotherapy can be repeated at three-month intervals. Depending on the skin condition and according to your wishes, we combine it with a laser treatment, with further wrinkle treatments or with a PRP plasma lifting. Let us advise you on your treatment options at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.

Is the Mesolift painless?

The Mesolift is largely painless. Depending on the depth of the microinjection, you may feel a small prick. Generally, the treatment with the mesopistol is perceived as little painful - the tiny microinjections take place extremely quickly. If desired, we can apply a superficial anaesthetic ointment to sensitive areas of the skin. This is also possible at any time during the treatment.

How long does mesotherapy last?

The duration of mesotherapy depends on the area of skin to be treated. Mesotherapy for the facial area can take around half an hour. For an additional treatment of the neck and décolleté, you should plan on about an hour. In the area of the hands, the treatment is often very quick at around 15 minutes. At the Swiss Derma Clinic we will inform you in detail about the duration, the procedure and the possible costs before your mesolift.

What risks and side effects should I expect?

No major risks or side effects are to be expected with carefully performed mesotherapy (mesolift). It is possible that your skin will still be slightly red or minimally swollen in the area of the microinjections for one or two days. You can easily cover any redness with make-up or concealer. You should avoid using creams, powders or ointments for about 12 hours after the treatment. If possible, avoid sauna and solarium visits as well as extensive sunbathing for the next few days.

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