
Medical microneedling by dermaroller in Zurich

After a light local anaes­the­tic (e.g. with num­bing cream), the der­ma­rol­ler is rol­led over the skin leng­thwi­se, cross­wi­se and dia­go­nal­ly mul­ti­ple times. This sti­mu­la­tes the skin by crea­ting many tiny punc­tures and trig­ge­ring its repair func­tion. After tre­at­ment with the medi­cal der­ma­rol­ler, the skin forms both col­la­gen fibres (which firm the skin) and elas­tin fibres (which give the skin ela­s­ti­ci­ty). As a result, scars and wrink­les are fil­led and smoot­hed from the insi­de out. In addi­ti­on, the dermaroller’s micro­need­les loo­sen old skin flakes, depo­sits and blocka­ges on the top skin lay­er of the epi­der­mis. This impro­ves the appearance of the skin by making it fres­her and more trans­pa­rent. Skin impu­ri­ties and lar­ge pores are visi­bly redu­ced. Final­ly, medi­cal need­ling can be com­bi­ned with meso­the­ra­py. Acti­ve ingre­di­ents are intro­du­ced through the small chan­nels in the skin crea­ted by micro­need­ling, making it appear fres­her and more vital.

microneedling in zürich


microneedling in zürich

What is medical microneedling?

Medical microneedling uses a dermaroller with tiny needles. This is rolled lengthwise, crosswise and diagonally over the area of skin to be treated. This creates the finest micro-stitches in the skin - up to 1300 punctures per second. The minimal irritations stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin. At the same time, intensive tissue circulation ensures improved absorption of active ingredients. Active ingredient and moisturising concentrates, which are applied to the skin immediately after needling, are absorbed deep into the skin barrier via the microchannels. The Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich has great expertise in this field.


The upper skin layers are strengthened by medical needling, the skin structure becomes finer pored and firmer. Unlike chemical peeling, the protective barrier is preserved. Your benefits from medical microneedling: a lasting smoothing of the skin with minimal side effects.


In addition to the treatment of wrinkles, needling is suitable for the reduction of acne scars and pigment spots (age spots) as well as for the structural refinement of scaly, large-pored or horny skin. The treatment is also used on the neck, décolleté, abdomen and thighs.

How does the treatment work?

After thoroughly cleansing and disinfecting your skin, our dermatologist Mrs Georgouli applies a light anaesthetic ointment. Then the dermaroller is moved in different directions over the skin areas to be treated. Directly after the needling, an intensive treatment with active substance concentrates and cooling masks follows. The combination of active ingredients is individually selected to suit your skin type.


For long-term results, we recommend several sessions at intervals of four to eight weeks. Wound healing and regeneration takes one to two days. During this time your skin will be moderately red. Afterwards, you can go about your social obligations as usual. A treatment session at the Swiss Derma Clinic, including preparation and aftercare, lasts between one and one and a half hours, depending on the skin area.

For which treatments is medical microneedling used?

Medical needling is suitable for the following treatments, among others:


  • Skin smoothing and tightening (wrinkle treatment)
  • Promotion of natural collagen production
  • Age spots and harmless pigmentation disorders
  • Softening and filling acne scars
  • For hair loss in combination with active ingredient concentrates
  • Reduction of stretch marks
  • Tightening of the skin in the case of cellulite
  • Improvement of the appearance of skin with large pores and horny skin
  • Strengthening of the skin in the case of couperose
  • Flabby, tired and poorly supplied with blood skin

When will I see the effects of needling and how long will they last?

With medical needling you improve your skin's appearance sustainably for a longer period of time. Microneedling stimulates skin renewal and the production of collagen and elastin fibres.


Immediately after the treatment, the skin is reddened, similar to a pronounced sunburn. The skin renewal (regeneration) and the build-up of connective tissue and the body's own collagen takes a few weeks. During this time you can observe an increasing improvement in the appearance of your skin. The skin structure becomes increasingly firmer, denser and tighter. The result of the treatment is visible one to two months after the last needling. The treatment result lasts between six months and two years, depending on the skin type, the personal disposition and the objective (tightening, softening of scars, cellulite treatment). The treatment result for acne scars is often permanent.


Depending on the skin condition and treatment goal, several sessions are necessary to achieve the desired result. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we will draw up an individual treatment plan for you.

How soon will I be socially acceptable again?

Depending on the size of the skin area to be treated and whether acne scars or fine superficial wrinkles are present, you will be fit for socialising again after one to three days. Immediately after the session, the skin is reddened and slightly swollen in the treated area. It is best to book your needling appointment just before the weekend or during your holiday so that you don't have any downtime.

Should medical microneedling be repeated?

You will usually see the first effects after just one session. The skin structure is finer, it is better supplied with blood and appears significantly fresher. The cocktail of active ingredients specially formulated for you is customised precisely to your skin condition. The concentrate is absorbed deep into the skin barrier, where it unfolds its desired effect. We recommend at least three treatments for an optimal and lasting improvement in the skin's appearance.

What are the differences to cosmetic microneedling?

In contrast to cosmetic microneedling, medical needling may only be carried out by qualified medical professionals. The dermarollers that we use in medical practice are not comparable in their effect to those used in the home care sector or in cosmetic institutes. Cosmetic treatments only affect the uppermost area of the epidermis. This improves blood circulation, but does not result in lasting and profound skin renewal.

With medical dermarollers, we can reach a skin depth of up to 2.5 millimetres, depending on the indication. Unlike cosmetic microneedling, we can significantly reduce scars and wrinkles and fundamentally optimise the entire skin structure.

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