
Cellulite Treatment in Zurich

About 80 per­cent of women strugg­le with cel­lu­li­te. Typi­cal are­as for the bum­py skin chan­ges (dim­pling) are the thighs, buttocks, bel­ly, and upper arms. Men also suf­fer from the so-cal­led oran­ge peel, alt­hough less fre­quent­ly. At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, in addi­ti­on to medi­cal need­ling and meso­the­ra­py, we also use fat lipolysis.


This is espe­ci­al­ly sui­ta­ble for small and well-defi­ned fat depo­sits. Which cel­lu­li­te tre­at­ment is opti­mal for you depends on your skin struc­tu­re and the ext­ent of the cel­lu­li­te. To keep your skin smoot­her and firm­er in the long term, we recom­mend seve­ral appli­ca­ti­ons at inter­vals of seve­ral weeks.

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Depending on the cause of cellulite, a exercise program and a change in diet can help stabilize the subcutaneous fat tissue in a sustainable way.


Methods of cellulite treatment:



Our specialist, Mrs. Georgouli, will create a treatment program for you for your cellulite treatment in Zurich, tailored to your problem areas. A combination of several methods is particularly effective.


Needling, Fat-Away Injection, etc. for cellulite

Cellulite treatment is always individual and depends on the stability of the connective tissue and elasticity. If the cellulite is only slightly to moderately pronounced and the skin areas can be well defined, we can achieve good results with the Fat-Away Injection. The active ingredient Phosphatidylcholine causes a breakdown of the fat cells in the fat tissue. The skin in this area becomes visibly smoother and firmer.


Further procedures are mesotherapy and medical microneedling. In mesotherapy, we use microinjections with activating and fat-mobilizing active ingredients into deeper skin layers. Medical needling stimulates and strengthens the tissue, especially in the case of mild cellulite. Laser therapies such as the CO2 laser are also an option, depending on the stage of cellulite (small or large areas).


Aesthetic treatments with a comfortable atmosphere in Zurich

In our practice rooms in Zurich, you will find a pleasant atmosphere. We take enough time to explain to you all the advantages and disadvantages as well as sensible alternatives of the treatments. Book your appointment here.


Cellulite stages:

Stage I: Usually affects younger patients. The cellulite is only slightly pronounced and can be treated well with active exercise, weight loss, and stimulation of the connective tissue. A treatment option is, for example, medical needling.


Stage II: Dimples in the surface are clearly visible. Mesotherapy or Fat-Away Injection can be useful for cellulite treatment.


Stage III: The bumpy and partly knob-like structure of cellulite is very pronounced and large-scale in the area of the thighs, belly, or upper arms. Many factors must be considered in treatment. Individual treatment programs are conceivable.

cellulite behandlung zuerich


cellulite behandlung zuerich

What is cellulite and how does it occur?

Cellulite is a change in the subcutaneous fat tissue. The uneven skin surface is commonly known as orange peel. Women are more frequently affected due to hormones and the different structure of their connective tissue than men. The breakdown of body-own collagen and elastin with increasing age also promotes the formation of cellulite. Other risk factors include overweight and lack of physical activity. There is often a genetic predisposition. Some people simply have weaker connective tissue than others and suffer from cellulite even in their young years and despite a slender physique.


The fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue are held together by a more or less stable framework of collagen-containing connective tissue. The fat chambers can enlarge by a factor of ten with water and fat deposits and then present themselves in the typical bumpy skin structure.


Very pronounced cellulite can influence the blood and lymph circulation in some cases. The consequences include edema and degenerations of the connective tissue fibers. There is no "miracle cure" for the unloved orange peel, but rather the treatment must be individually adapted to the skin structure, the patient, and the degree of cellulite. In our practice in Zurich, we will advise you on all the possibilities in detail.

How does medical needling work for cellulite?

The affected tissue is intensively stimulated and the body's own regenerative mechanisms are boosted. At the same time, we can also stimulate both the lymph flow and the fat metabolism through medical needling. For good results, we recommend several treatments at intervals of a few weeks.


By stimulating the collagen and elastic fibers, the connective tissue framework can be tightened and the surface of the skin becomes smoother and firmer. Regular follow-up treatments provide better results. Whether medical needling is suitable for treating cellulite in your case depends on the degree of skin change, skin structure, and other personal risk factors.

How does mesotherapy work for cellulite?

Mesotherapy is an extremely gentle and minimally invasive treatment method. Special active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, certain vitamins, and trace elements are injected into different depths of the skin to improve blood circulation in the connective tissue and stimulate fat metabolism. Depending on the size of the skin area, the cellulite treatment takes between 20 minutes and one hour. If necessary, our specialist physician Dr. Georgouli applies a numbing cream before the application. Several treatments are required.

When does a cellulite treatment with laser make sense?

The use of laser therapy to treat cellulite may be appropriate, depending on the skin's appearance. Fractional CO2 laser can be used to tighten the skin in deeper layers. For smaller skin areas and when the skin is also loose, combining laser therapy with mesotherapy or fat-dissolving injections (injection-induced lipolysis) can lead to a tightening of the connective tissue and a reduction in fat cells.


Whether laser treatment makes sense in each case depends on the extent of the fatty deposits. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we will advise you extensively on your options, the results you can expect, and potential alternatives.

Why is the fat-away injection one of the most effective cellulite treatments?

The fat dissolving injection (injection lipolysis) uses a natural active ingredient (phosphatidylcholine) that specifically breaks down fat tissue, tightens connective tissue and leads to a visible improvement in skin structure. The active ingredient is injected directly into the fat deposits, leading to lipolysis (fat breakdown), the fat cells are further broken down by the body's metabolism and "flushed out." The wavy, crater-like skin surface smooths out.


The smaller the treated skin area is, the more successful the treatment is generally. The result is permanent as long as there is no weight gain. Note: The fat dissolving injection is not suitable for every degree of cellulite and not for large skin areas. In the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we also use the fat dissolving injection to treat double chins, cheek puffiness and neck fat pads.

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